Grounding and Bonding System | Method Statement | Word

Grounding and Bonding System
  • File Name: WMS – Grounding And Bonding System
  • File Type: MS Word
  • File Size: 38 KB

The purpose of this procedure is to provide for the detailed requirements that shall be followed during Grounding and Bonding system and Instrument Master Reference Grounding Installation.

This Work Method Statement for Grounding and Bonding Procedure covers the new installed building and Substations in Saudi Aramco Project.

  • SAES-P-111 Grounding
  • SAES-P-104 Wiring Methods and Materials
  • SAES-P-100 Basic Power System Design Criteria
  • SAES-P-119 Substation
  • SAES-P-121 Transformers and Reactors
  • SAES-J-902 Electrical System for instrumentation
  • NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NEC)
  • UL 467 UL Standard for Grounding and Bonding Equipment
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What is earthing and bonding?

The earth creates a safe route for the current to flow instead of causing electric shock. The purpose of bonding is to reduce the risk of electric shock if you find yourself touching separate metallic parts when there is a fault somewhere within the electrical installation.

What is service grounding and bonding?

Basically, grounding is connecting to the earth. The Code defines “bonded” or “bonding” as connected (connecting) to establish electrical continuity and conductivity. Let’s examine these two important integral parts of electric wiring closer in detail.

What is a bonding system?

What is bonding? Article 100 of the NEC defines bonded (bonding) as “connected to establish electrical continuity and conductivity.” Bonding metal parts, such as enclosures and raceways, ensures that they are all continuous on an effective ground-fault current path (EGFCP) that references back to ground (earth).

What are the general requirements for grounding and bonding?

The requirements for grounding and bonding begin at the service. The NEC requires the grounded conductor(s) to be routed with the ungrounded conductors to the service entrance equipment and it shall connect to the grounded conductor(s) terminal or bus.

What is bonding vs grounding?

Bonding is the electrical connection of all exposed metal items not designed to carry electricity in a room or building. Grounding is the attachment of bonded systems to the earth. Bonding and grounding are both necessary to safeguard people and property from electric hazards.

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