Inspection & Test Plan (ITP)
QC Notes Level-3:
✅ Definition & Purpose
Is all about document based on detailed manufacturing, fabrication and construction program that identifies each process description, sets out related sequence of activities to be inspected, examined and tested with relevant approved procedures for particular materials, components and assembly.
It includes identification of required documents, acceptance criteria, which is responsible, the inspection surveillance and the type and level of inspection including hold, witness and review points of the contractor, sub-contractor and Saudi Aramco.
✅ Key Elements of ITP
should include the following information:
- Process descriptions
- Quality Control Requirements
- Notification Requirements for Supplier Inspection (min. 10 day calendar days)
- Responsibilities for Inspection / Test
- Acceptance Criteria
- Verifying Document
- Inspection Points (Hold, Witness, Review and Surveillance)
✅ Inspection Action Points
Hold Point (H)
- An inspection point, defined in an appropriate document, beyond which an Activity must not proceed without the approval of the designated organization or authority.
Witness (W)
- An inspection point, defined in an appropriate document, beyond which an Activity can proceed after notifying the designated organization or authority. Contractor’s QC Inspector has the full responsibility for performing detailed Inspection during the work activity.
Review Point (R)
- Defined in an appropriate document is the point in which a work activity cannot Proceed without first ensuring the review and approval of applicable documents Or personnel qualification by a designated organization or authority.
Surveillance (S)
- QA/QC organization to monitor work in progress without notice from construction organization
✅ Inspection Levels as per (SAER – 1972)
- Level 0 – Documentation Requirements only No vendor Inspection required
- Level 1 – Only Final Inspection is required prior to shippin
- Level 2 – Includes as minimum, pre-inspection meeting, one or more Un-specified “in progress” surveillance visits, all witness, hold points, final inspection and release for shipment
- Level 3 – Same as level 2 except that “in progress” surveillance shall be on a regular basis ( daily, weekly or bi-weekly )
- Level 4 – Resident inspector continually monitoring the work
QC Notes Level-4: ⭕ Non-Conformance and Corrective Actions
See More: Aramco Quality Standard