QC Notes Level-18
- Pressure Vessel Standard
- General Information on Pressure Vessel
- Document Review
- Material Receiving
- Installation
Pressure Vessel Reference Standard
- SATID-D-001-01 Pressure Vessel Installation
- SATIP-D-100-01 Field Erected Storage Tank (API 650)
- SATIP-D-109-01 Shop Fab. Storage Tank (API 12F/12P/UL 142)
- ASME Sec. VIII Div. 1-3 Rules for Construction for Pressure Vessels
- API 650 Welded Steel tanks for Oil Storage
- API 651
- 32-SAMSS-004 Manufacture of Pressure Vessels
- 32-SAMSS-005 Manufacture of Atmospheric Tanks
- 32-SAMSS-006 Manufacture of Low Pressure Storage Tank
- SAES-D-001 Design Criteria For Pressure Vessels
- 32-SAMSS-020 Manufacture of Trays and Packing
- SAES-W-010 Welding Requirements for Pressure Vessel
- SAES-W-014 Weld Overlay and Welding of Clad Materials
- VEFV1100/1102 Process Industry Practices (Fabrication/Installation)
- SAES-L-350 Construction of Plant Piping
- SAES-B-054 Access, Egress & Material Handling for Plant Facility
- SAES-B-006 Fireproofing for Plants
- SAES-N-001 Basic Criteria, Industrial Insulation
General Information on Pressure Vessel
- Hydrostatic Testing of a completed pressure vessel shall not exceed 90% of the minimum yield strength
- Hydrostatic Pressure shall be 1.3 x MAWP as per ASME VIII Div. 1
- Holding time shall be 1hr/25mm of the vessel shell thickness or in no case less than 1 hour
- Medium shall be potable water with 50ppm chloride and pH = 10 to 11 and temperature of 17* C
- Alignment shall be within 1/1000 but not more than 25mm
- Orientation tolerance shall be within ± 3mm
Pressure Vessel – (SATIP-D-001-01)
Document Review
- Safety Instruction Sheet (SIS)
- Procedure – Vessels Internal Component Installation
Material Receiving
- NMR’s Vessels and Trays
- Visual Inspection
o External Inspection
o Internal Inspection - Ladders, platforms and other Structural Steel Attachment
- Storage, Handling and Preservation
- Verification and Visual Inspection of vendor supplied electrical and instrumentation materials
- Pre-installation Inspection
- Equipment Installation
o Alignment and elevation survey (vertical & horizontal vessels) - Inspection of Vessel Trim
- Inspection of Tray & Component installation
- Tray Testing
- Flange Joint, Gasket Verification and Bolt Tightening
- Final Inspection / Punch Listing for Re-instatement (by Contractor)
Documents Precedence
- It shall be the CONTRACTOR or VENDOR’S responsibility to be knowledgeable of the requirements of the referenced Codes and Standards.
- The VENDOR shall notify the CONTRACTOR of any conflict between this Specification, the related vessel data sheets/drawings, the Codes and Standards and any other specifications noted herein.
- Resolution and/or interpretation precedence shall be obtained from the COMPANY in writing before proceeding with the design/manufacture.
Unless specifically stated/agreed with COMPANY, the most stringent requirements shall apply. In case of conflict, the order of precedence shall be:
a. Aramco Federal Acts and Regulations
b. Design Data Sheets
c. Project Specification
d. COMPANY Specification and Standard Drawings
e. International Codes and Standards
Continue QC Notes Level-19 ⭕ Parts of pressure vessel and Types
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What is a pressure vessel used for?
A pressure vessel is a closed container designed to hold gases or liquids at a pressure substantially higher or lower than the ambient pressure. Examples include glassware, autoclaves, compressed gas cylinders, compressors (including refrigeration), vacuum chambers and custom designed laboratory vessels.
Is pressure vessel a boiler?
“Boiler” also includes fired units for heating or vaporizing liquids other than water where these units are separate from processing systems and complete within themselves. “Pressure vessel” means a container for the containment of pressure, either internal or external.
What does a pressure vessel look like?
A common design is a cylinder with end caps called heads. Head shapes are frequently either hemispherical or dished (torispherical). More complicated shapes have historically been much harder to analyze for safe operation and are usually far more difficult to construct.