Interview Questions for QA Manager – Food Industry

What is your job title and what industry do you work in? How many years of experience do you have in this field?

Deputy Manager Quality Assurance Food Industry(FMCG). 37 Years. Food- Industry Quality Assurance

How would you describe what you do?

Quality assurance food work experience spreads across to small medium to big industry, from Lab Technician to Acting Food safety & Quality Managerial services in Biscuits, Bakeries, Confectioneries, Milk &Milk products, Health beverages and Skin care products. My job from NPD, Laboratory analysis, Internal & External audits including 3rd party(Suppliers), Regulatory compliance, Customer & Consumer complaints handling, quality system certifications etc, etc.

Interview Questions for QA Manager

On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your job satisfaction?

Varying from 5 to 10 on year basis. I don’t know.

If this job moves your heart – how so?

Some times i found and some times not. That is life

Is there anything unique about your situation that readers should know when considering your experiences or accomplishments?

We would suggest few things out of my experience…

  1. Always go along with Boss, If not, Change your job.
  2. Look for opportunity within / outside and jump frequently from present job (Take care of your family)
  3. Make relationship good from bottom to top and in & out.
  4. Add qualification & Certifications where ever possible in your carrier span(No time limit)

How did you get started in this line of work?

I started my carrier in Agri-based sales then to Chemical Industry in quick succession and then to Quality Assurance Food Industry for a long.

If you could go back and do it differently, what would you change with Quality Assurance Food?

Initially, I took interest in starting Cosmetic & Food manufacturing business but dropped both of them due to low confidential level. This is pinching my heart till now.

What did you learn the hard way in this job and what happened specifically that led up to this lesson?

One must be fast result oriented in his job. Many people going up the ladder very fast because of this.

What is the single most important thing you have learned outside of school about the working world?

School is a learning center and we may not learned many things in school. Sometimes for me, School is just opposite to working world.

What’s the strangest thing that ever happened to you in this job?

Business changes drastically fast according to top management who takes the business. “Yes” today may Become ” NO” tomorrow and VICEVERSA. Similarly What consumer likes today may change tomorrow.

For example , a business group who sold their brand and come back to work competitive against the brand

Why do you get up and go to work each day?

We all work for a cause, be it money or your talent.A job is a Job, not only your job but many more jobs depends on it

What kind of challenges do you handle and what makes you really want to pull your hair out?

Manpower management.

Are you able to maintain a comfortable or healthy work-life balance? How?

Job and personal life is a mixture. How to mix it successfully is a success.

What’s a rough salary range for the position you hold? Are you paid enough and/or happy living within your means?

No limit to satisfy one’s expectation when comes to salary(Money) what to get?. $35,000/annum. Satisfaction never comes when this is measured against your counterparts.

How much vacation do you take? Is it enough?

Vacation is a privileged accessories in India. I take vacation based on my family priorities.

What education and skills do you need to get hired and succeed in this field?

M.Sc / B.Tech /M.Tech

What would you tell a friend considering your line of work?

Occupied full time.

If you could write your own ticket, what would you like to be doing in five years?

Go for more travel, meet people understand life and joy

More Questions: Click Here

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