Non-Conformance and Corrective Actions
QC Notes Level-4:
An Activity does not conform with an International Code /Standard.
When a nonconformity occurs, you must react to it by either controlling and correcting it or dealing with the consequences. Then you must determine the root cause(s), evaluate the need to eliminate the cause(s) so the nonconformity does not reoccur and implement any corrective action necessary.
✅ NCR (Non-Conformance Report)
- A record reporting the variation from the specified requirements.
✅ CAR (Corrective Action Report)
- It is a record reporting the action take to eliminate the effect & causes of an existing Non Conformity defect or other undesirable situation in order to prevent recurrence.
✅ DR (Deviation Report)
- A report of the concession granted by client or owner to certain deviation from project specification
Continue QC Notes Level-5: ⭕ Responsibilities of QA/QC Inspectors
See More: Aramco Quality Standard