Planning & Scheduling
Does the project understand the work scope of each site subcontractor and has it been defined in the project scheduling. This is especially important for the completion of As-Built Dossiers for project Turn Over Purposes.
Constuctability Items Identified
Has the Project Identified major constructability site issues that will impact upon the completion of the site quality inspections and subsequently delay the turn over of Quality Dossiers to the customer.
Procurement Inspection Activities
Has the Project Identified all sub contractors procured items that might not conform to the customers Technical Specifications? Have these items been identified on a procurement matrix and receipt inspections been coordinated prior to release for site use.
QC organisation Chart Defined
Does each subcontractor have a designated team of Quality Control Inspectors with organisation freedom to reject and accept nonconforming material? Do these inspectors have sufficient qualifications and experience to complete the scope of work.
Point of Contacts Defined
The Project QA/QC team must identify points of contacts with the customer, Prime Contractor, Sub contractors and Third Party Inspection bodies on site to ensure timely completion of site inspections.
QC Inspection Plan Reviewed
All the site subcontractors must understand and implement their site approved Quality Control Inspection & Test Plan (QCIP) to ensure the inspection of the work is undertaken during process and with out any schedule delays.
Health & Safety of Radioactive Sources Reviewed
All subcontractors that use radiactive sources must be aware of the site safety procedures and emergency evacuation procedures.
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