Aramco Standard Equipment Classification

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Aramco Standard Equipment Classification

Aramco Standard Equipment Classification, Ingress rating, Temperature rating

Q: What does “BASEEFA” stand for …..?

A:  British approval service for electrical equipment in flammable atmospheres.

Q: Explain the meaning of: (a) Zone 0 (b) Zone 1 (c) Zone 2 (d) Non-Hazardous.

A:  (a) – In which an explosive gas-air mixture is continuously present or present for long period.

       (b)- In which as explosive gas air mixture is likely to occur under normal operation.

       (c)- In which an explosive gas-air mixture is not likely to occur in normal operation and if it occurs it exist only for short time.

       (d)- An area which by implication is any area not classified as zone 0, 1 or 2. i.e.control or switch room that is pressurized (HVAC) or an area that has no hydrocarbon inventory.

Q: Explain the type of protected equipment is required in the flowing zones: (a) Zone 0 (b) Zone 1 (c) Zone 2

A:   (a) – Ex-ia, Ex-s: Must be specifically certified for zone 0 use.

       (b) –Any type of equipment suitable for zone 0, Ex-ib, Ex-d, Ex-p, Ex-e.

       (c)– Any type of equipment suitable for zone 0 and 1, Ex-n, Ex-o, Ex-q.

Equipment Classification:

Q: Explain the EEx ‘d’ iiB T6

A:   EEx: Electrical Explosion Proof

      iiB: Gas Group (Ethan)

      T6: 85 oC

Q:   Explain the type meaning of Ex-ia and Ex-ib.

A:   Ex-ia is equipment that can withstand up to 2 faults in the circuit and still maintain is the protection.  Ex-ib is equipment that can withstand 1 fault in the circuit and still maintain protection.

Q: Explain the type meaning of Ex-s.

A:   Special protection
(Proven by a series of approved tests to suitable for use)

Q: Explain the type meaning of Ex-d.

A:   Flameproof (will withstand and internal explosion out damage or allowing any flammable gasses outside the enclosure to ignite).

Q: Explain the type meaning of Ex-e.

A:   Equipment that has been designed to give increases security against the possibility of sparks or excessive temperatures.

Q: Explain the type meaning of Ex-n.

A:   Non sparking equipment.

Q: Explain the type meaning of Ex-p.

A:  Pressurization / Continuous dilution (Purge).

Q: Explain the type meaning of Ex-o.

A:  Oil Immersion.

Q: Explain the type meaning of Ex-m.

A:   Encapsulation / hermetically sealed.

Q: Explain the type meaning of Ex-q.

A:  Sand filled.

Ingress Ratings:

Q: Explain the meaning of “Ingress Protection”

A:   The appliances ability to keep out solids and liquids, IE Dust, Sand and Water. The first number indicates the protection against solids and the second number indicates the protection against liquids.

Q: Is it allowable to modify an EEx “d” gland to fit and entry in an EEx “d” enclosure…?

A:  No.

Q: State the minimum amount of threads needed to be installed on an Ex‘d’ cable gland..?

A:  (1) – 5 full threads (minimum length 8 mm) for gas group 2B apparatus.

     (2) –6 full
threads (minimum length 9.5 mm) for gas group 2C apparatus.

Temperature Rating of Equipment:

Q: Explain what is meant by “Temperature Classification of Equipment for use in Hazardous areas”).

A:   It is the highest surface temperature that an appliance can attain under the worst condition (incl. overloads) which is able to produce an ignition of any flammable gasses in the surrounding area.

  • T1= 450 oC
  • T2= 300 oC
  • T3= 200 oC
  • T4= 135 oC
  • T5= 100 oC
  • T6 = 085 oC

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